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in situ artinya

contoh kalimat "in situ"
  • They have been preserved ex situ and in situ.
    Baik pada in situ & ex situ.
  • Conservation of cacti can be in situ or ex situ.
    Konservasi dapat dilakukan secara in situ maupun ex situ.
  • This method can be assimilated to an in situ chemical vapor deposition (CVD).
    Metode ini dinamakan deposisi uap kimia (chemical vapor deposition, CVD).
  • Reactions involving metals via in situ generated organoelement species
    reaksi yang melibatkan logam, yang dihasilkan local organoelement
  • Easy in situ installation in pipes or vessels
    Pemasangan di tempat yang mudah dalam pipa atau bejana
  • Fast response time with in situ installation
    Waktu respons cepat dengan pemasangan in situ
  • In Situ Forming Silk Fibroin Gel Kits
    Di Situ Membentuk serat sutra Gel Kit
  • FTIR Spectroscopy with In Situ Reaction Monitoring
    Spektroskopi FTIR dengan Pemantauan Reaksi In Situ
  • Automated Reactors & In Situ Analysis for Chemical Process Development
    Reaktor Otomatis & Analisis In-Situ untuk Pengembangan Proses Kimia
  • Home Automated Reactors and In Situ Analysis Reaction Calorimeters
    Anda berada disiniHome Reaktor Otomatis dan Analisis In-Situ Kalorimeter Reaksi
  • Lebih banyak contoh:  1  2  3  4  5
  • in the original or natural place or site; "carcinoma in situ"; "the archeologists left the pottery in place"
    Sinonim: in place, in place,

  • in the original or natural place or site; "carcinoma in situ"; "the archeologists left the pottery in place"
    Sinonim: in place, in place,